Dave Keen
tagged me with one of these silly blog things:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other people.
Which seems pretty harmless.
Question: what is the point of 3?
OK, I'm going to assume we are posting the fifth, sixth and seventh sentences from page 123.
Kitty did not say a word of this; she spoke only of her state of mind.
'I have no troubles whatever,' she said when she had grown calm - 'but can you understand that everything has become horrid, disgusting and course to me, and above all I myself? You can't think what horrid thoughts I have about everything.'
'But what horrid thoughts can you have?' asked Dolly smiling.
I'm not sure what that is supposed to prove. Special prize to anyone who can identify the novel, which as a hint was not written in English.
Anyway, I don't really go for this tagging malarkey, but to play along, I tag
Jamie and there is space for anyone else who wants to be tagged. Don't all jump at once.
I'm guessing most of those aren't going to bother, having more important things to do. Still, all their blogs are worth a look.
Meanwhile, in case you've been wondering where I am, I have been blogging about our local diet
here and also writing regular articles for the celsias blog
Labels: mystery books, tagging